It is a program that allows eligible 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students currently attending accredited Miami Dade County public, charter or private high schools to simultaneously enroll in college courses while completing their High School requirements. The credits that students earn will be used toward both a high school graduation and towards the completion of a College Associate in Arts or Science,  Baccalaureate Degree, or Technical Certificate.

Who's Eligible?

Students who have: 

  • A minimum 3.0 high school unweighted grade point average (GPA)
  • Passed the appropriate sections of the Post Education Readiness Test (PERT), or submitted adequate SAT/ACT scores
  • Permission from the parent/guardian, high school principal and counselor
  • Met with the College Dual Enrollment Coordinator at the Campus he/she plans to attend
  • An understanding that the amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment courses will be greater than in high school courses

NOTE: Students participating in dual enrollment must earn a grade of "C" or higher in their college-level courses to continue participation. Students whose High School GPA falls below 3.0 un-weighted or receives a grade of "D" or lower in a dual enrollment course or receives two "C" are ineligible to continue and will be dropped from the program. This is done to protect the student's Collegiate GPA.

The Dual Enrollment Application Process

Students must submit a regular Miami Dade College Application together with a Dual Enrollment approval form, which must include signatures of the student, parents/guardian, counselor, and high school principal, as well as bear the official high school seal

Both forms for the colleges should be submitted to the Campus Registrar's Office or Dual Enrollment coordinator where the high school student plans to attend, at least 30 days in advance of the requested term for enrollment

A new dual enrollment form must be submitted for each term enrolled

Click here to apply to Miami Dade College:

Click here to apply to Doral College University:

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